UK Interconnection Links

The United Kingdom has an increasing capacity of interconnection links to. countries in Europe. Figure 1 shows the weekly average flow on the sum of these cables between May 2011 and April 2024. The plot show net imports increasing from about 5% of UK consumption in 2011 to up to 20% in 2024. The year 2022 saw on average net exports from the UK because of problems in nuclear power plants in France during this period.

Figure 1. UK imports (+ve) and exports (-ve) from May 2011 to April 2024, as fraction of UK electricity consumption.

Tables 1. Operational and projected interconnection cables to the United Kingdom form the indicated countries (Source List of high-voltage transmission links in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia )

Figure 2. Daily average power flow on interlink cables from UK to France, Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Denmark and Ireland.